Wednesday 7 October 2015

My initial idea for my thriller film opening production:

My film opening would have an anachronic restricted narrative, including Todorov's theory of narrative. The equilibrium would consist of the female protagonist, jogging in a gym after dark, she decides it's time to leave, packing up her belongs she leaves the building. However there is an uneasy feeling that someone else is with her, therefore she begins to fasten her pace. Until, the  distribution of equilibrium (disequilibrium) of her being grabbed from behind. The final scene would be a flashback to the present time, before the disequilibrium has taken place- creating enigma for the target audience.  The restricted narrative is represented by the lack of identify connoted from the characters, for example, not giving the protagonist a voice and not giving the antagonist, or the villain using Propp's characters, a face.

For the majority of the production, would be shot in low key lighting as the scenes would be set at night signifying the negative outcomes or foreshadowing a bad event about to occur. For the final scene, high key saturated lighting would be used to connote a clear division of time, and difference between equilibrium and disequilibrium.

Non-diegetic parallel and sychronous soundtrack connote the disequilibrium, and to synchronise with the audiences and protagonist's heart beat building up tension for the peak of the film. A switch of soundtrack, will be used to create enigma on the audience, for example; in the beginning as the girl is jogging their is a non-diegetic soundtrack of music which later switches to diegetic sound as we watch the protagonist remove her earphones, causing the soundtrack to fade out.

Props,costume and makeup:
The props, costumes and makeup will be very basic and minimal to signify the realism in  the narrative; the film opening will include the following:
-  regular gym clothing
- black clothing such as gloves, trousers and hoodie/mask
- bag
- earphones/phone

Drawbacks and advantages:
- One advantage is; the location is available, accessible and close.
- A very basic script to stick by and simple to conduct.
- Only two characters are needed.
- The idea behind the film opening, shows too much narrative, it would disinterest the audience, therefore another after analysing a number of different high blockbuster  film openings, i have summarised code and conventions for a film opening which i will use to help develop further ideas where the narrative is restricted.

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