Monday 12 October 2015

Media Essay; Trailer Analysis; 'Gone'

‘Gone’ is a 2012 drama and thriller starring Amanda Seyfried as Jill Parrish trying to rebuild her life after surviving a terrifying kidnapping experience. However, disequilibrium disrupts when Jills returns home one morning from her new job to discover Molly (played by Emily Wickersham) has vanished, and is convinced the same man who previously abducted her has returned for revenge. 

From the denotations of de-saturated lighting and non-diegetic synchronous and parallel soundtrack from the beginning of the trailer; setting a dismal tone for the film- an regular ascent that’s iconography to genre; thriller. Shots of the female protagonist as she fights against the police and everyone around her in order to find her abducted sister, is parallel and synchronous to the non-diegetic soundtrack. The target audience is confronted with a montage of shots consisting of  action editing  of the police talking about how much a threat Jill is and cutting to Jill and her efforts to find her sister - connoting the big part of the conflict between the two parties has a big part to play in the narration of the film; however views and personal opinions are not explained in the sequence therefore the producers have given enigma to keep the audience at edge and interested by not revealing too much narrative. 

Shots and camerawork are used for the target audience to determine the protagonist and gives subliminal messages revealing parts of the narrative. On a ratio of the scenes, the majority are taken up of the same character, Jill Parrish this connotes her importance to the narrative. Jill is represented in a number of different shots types signifying the negotiated views she can be looked at. For example; the audience can connote her within the dominant view of the media, which is that within counter hegemonic reading of Propp’s character terms she is the hero also known as protagonist trying to save her little sister. This also subverts the view of Laura’s theory by making the female lead the narrative and the male police officers obstructions. The oppositional view is the ideology that she is getting in the way of the police and stopping them from doing job, which subverts her from being the hero.

The 2012 movie, ‘Gone’ is has a restricted narration; causing enigma in the audience. It also is anachronic because it involves flack backs, to the horrific tragic event in which Jill unfortunately experienced, by having a anachronic narrative connotes the relationship between the two events and times, allowing the audience to see the link and have emotions towards the characters involved- it also signifies that events are being inflicted by the same person hinting subliminal messages that it a revenge attack themed movie. 

The soundtrack conforms the ideology of the movie being full with dismal from the beginning, as the equilibrium, is in fact a new equilibrium of the protagonist trying to re-gain her life after a tragic event, therefore dismal is in the air from this bad experience mourning her life. The soundtrack has a dishearten low pitch throughout the trailer connoting the lost of fight and run-downness within the start persona of the protagonist. The narrative also foreshadows later events which occur in disequilibrium. For example; the audience is giving the brief information of her being a survivor of a adduction this foreshadows as it sets up an narrative of an abductor returning for revenge, however the producers develop enigma, from a twist in the narrative. 

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