Tuesday 3 November 2015

Prop Preparation and Filming in the darkroom.

Prop Preparation: 
Before i could film in Eastbury's Darkroom i needed to make the props, i used time after school and free period to do so.  This process was carried out like the following:

  1. Firstly i had to take a traditional black and white camera into the studio and take photographs of my four subjects using a 2 point lighting system.
  2.  After i developed the negatives and waited for them to dry.
  3.  Once my negatives were ready to use, i developed the images pinning them up to dry. I also made random traditional black and white photographs for the background of the shots to make the working area and narrative more realistic. 

I also experimented with double and single exposure at different time periods, to get the best quality photographs which was best for the filming of my project. 

Our shots are cut up into two different locations, Jo Rich School and Eastbury Darkroom. Therefore i wanted to make sure that all the shots were filmed needed to be filmed in Eastbury were so we wouldn't have to go back and film, taking the time out of our editing. Using my screenplay i made a list of all the shots i needed to take and doubled them so i would have a few takes of every shot,  to make sure we would have enough good quality shots when it came to editing- choosing the best one that would fit. I also made a list of all the props i needed to take to ensure i wouldn't forget anything. In the filming process was fairly simple we took two hours, to film all the shots needed, with a few extra shots. However i had issues with the lighting has it was too dark for most of the shots to be visible, to over come this i used red lighting lamps to keep the lighting dark but visible on the camera without exposing the darkroom chemicals and photograph paper to light, and keeping the low key lighting weariness to the scenes.

Evidence of planning, filming and making the props are below.

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