Sunday 15 November 2015

Film Opening Questionnaire Analysis

After posting my questionnaire on social media and asking peers to complete it i analysed my results:

For my first question i started off simple, asking the audience their gender. This will allow me to get an overall sense of whom my production will be viewed by.
By having this knowledge i can then adaptable my production to full fill the needs of my audience or try to employ the other gender more.

 My second question i asked the age. This will again let me know which age my audience are therefore i will be able to make the production more relatable and effective to that age group. This question is also important as it allowed the producer to make the production age appropriate to their audience. i asked this question to allow me to infer if my outcome target audience of my thriller production had anything to do with the age group. Evidently shown in my analysis the questions answered were hugely by teens- this could effect my results massively

Question three, i asked the favourite genre. This comes after my background questions getting straight to the point.  This ensures people that my questionnaire is brief and straightforward- based on thoughts and views rather than having to think deeply about their answer. Clearly shown in my results, thriller and horror come head to head- this connotes my competition, as horror. My results could be greatly effected by the dominant gender that answered my questionnaire- making it stereotypical views of gender.
Finding out why their choice was their favourite is important. It allows me to have fields in which to work on and improve my work (for the future) to benefit more people- resulting into widening my audience. My results narrowed down to an understanding where the audience enjoyed and felt watch their were watching making it more powerful and realistic. I will know take this information and use it in my advantage to improve my production, by working on the narrative and mise-en-scene- making it more realistic. 
Results for question five was a mixture, the feminine style shone through with the romantic classic movies. However they were contrasted with the stereotypical masculine movies such as; friday the 13th. Taking a little of each of the movies and turning it into something unique to benefit all of my audience. I asked, 'What's the last movie you watch?' to them off guard giving me an fully honest answer. Giving me an insight of the regular movies they watch. The only problem with this question is if people don't remember or are untruthful on their answer.

Understanding the audiences main resource allowing them to watch their movies is important. It allows the distributor to know which network they should be making calls and contracts with. Depending on the results they can choose work on the networks that they don't watch to try and recruit more of an target demographic or even improve and develop on the networks they have. From my results they still be that the cinema and television are my main prime target source. 

Just like it was important for me to understand people's favourite genre, it's equally if not more important to understand who hates my production thriller or which genres are mostly hated. In my case my production is thriller, making me have a good head in the industry as thriller's have a 0% of hatred in my questionnaire. However i used this question is get an idea if my production genre was worth well, for example, if my production was rom-com the most least liked i would consider if i would be gaining enough audience, or i might take the challenge and make my production different but successful. 

Again this type of question is followed with a, 'why?'. Allowing people to give feedback, expressing their thoughts. i choose to ask 'why' so i would have a clear ideology of what to avoid in the making of my film opening. My results inferred that people unlike the fake and unrealistic side of productions, this connotes that i should make my production as realistic to make it fit the conventions of a genre and the needs of my audience. 

I made this question has simple and explicit to my genre, because i wanted a simple answer which could make a huge difference put in a improving working situation. My audience expect to see tension in a genre the most, therefore to improve my production i will make my piece to have a higher rating of tension throughout, to keep the audience eager for the rest of the film. Second most selected was mystery and cliff hangers, these can be linked directly together, where i can use them effectively to my advantage- as i am only creating a title sequence, i will be about to create lots of mystery and enigma. 
My last question, took a little more time from people whom completed the questionnaire, where they had to select things in an certain order due to their thoughts and views. By allowing the audience to place the different convention in their own order gave them the freedom to have a right in what they believed was important and what wasn't. My results show that most important was a narrative that creates mystery, this fits perfectly with my production, as i feel i have portrayed this effectively. To improve it i can ask feedback on my work and re-arrange shots and film shots in different angles to re-strict or give more information from the audience. 

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