Thursday 5 November 2015

Film and Prop Preparation.-JO RICH

As a group we all divided the props, to share responsibilities. On the Tuesday in our two hour media lesson we used it as an opportunity to complete the rest of our filming. However before can start our filming we had to prepare our props.
Firstly, we started by making an teddy look old ragged and weathered. To do this we smudged dirt and pulled at the stitching. For the crime thriller, serial killer vibe we added fake blood splatters to the teddy.
For the journal, the Killer would be making it in the shots, therefore we needed to make sure we had all the supplies needed to do so this included; fake blood, writing equipment, old photos, and hair.
The rest of the shots don't require any prop preparation therefore we started to film our shots, making sure to double them. We doubled each shots so we can pick on that worked best to place into our project to make it more realistic.

However after filming we realised we would need an extra hour or two to film, therefore we planned an extra lesson for us to ensure we have all the shots we need before piecing it together and editing. Just to finish up all the shots, partially shots of a notebook and newspaper articles. I will then need to audio record a voice over, even though I don't main on having a voice over. If our plan doesn't work out we have a back up plan to aid the situation.

All evidence of plannning and filming is below.

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