Friday 18 September 2015

The Preliminary Task

The Preliminary Task 
Our task was sent, and we were given instructions which directed us that we had to include the following elements: 
-  The 180 rule
- Reverse shot 
- match on action 
We were also instructed to film and edit a short piece, of a person walking down a hallway, opening a door, then sitting down opposite another person exchanging a short dialogue. 

Josh : Camerawork
Jessica (me): Camerawork & Editor 
Sophie : 1st Character 
Conor: 2nd Character 

(Match on action- of three shots- of the 2nd character walking down the hallway with his back to the camera, shot to his shoes and then back to the character walking towards the camera. Then pan to watch him open the door. With a reverse shot of the same action, but from within the room. He then sits opposite the 1st Character. The dialogue begins using the reverse shot and 180 rule.) 

1st Character: Did you do it? 

2nd Character: Of course. 

1st Character: Did anyone see? 

2nd Character: Your forgetting this is my job. 

1st Character: Where's the body? 

2nd Character: The less you know the better. 

1st Character: (revealing a blue envelope from the desk and handing it over) Thank you. 

(The 2nd Character then takes the envelope and walks out the room, the camerawork panning as they walk down the hallways, the screen fades to black) 

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